Saturday, December 12, 2020

Advent Ghost #10: Scarred Paradox

 I thought I'd use The Forgotten Rites again to generate a ghost, but maybe spread out into other sections to change it up a little bit. If you don't have the book yet it is available from myself (leave a comment or shoot me a message on social media), Exalted Funeral, or Goodman Games

Ghoulish Look (from the Ghoul section. i wanted extra gross): loss of body hair. boils and sores. skin sloughing off showing muscle underneath
Ghostly Rewards: knowledge of future event
Other Ghostly Attack: invisible claw marks that leave permanent scars
Ghostly Desires: for their remains to be taken to holy ground
What Holy Ground? Water burial
What Remains: 9 toes

A Scarred Paradox (yeah, it's a stretch...)

When this minor ghost is first encountered it is human size and shaped but hairless and featureless. If combat is entered against it, strange things begin happening. As the Scarred Paradox hits PCs, the rents dealt upon their flesh instantly close up leaving weals and bruises (damage is still received) that will never go away. These same marks appear on the ghost and it begins taking on the facial and bodily features of the PCs being attacked. The PC(s) may even begin to feel like it is their own future self ghost(s). 

If they halt combat because of all this weirdness, the Scarred Paradox will request for it's toes to be found and given a proper water burial. (I'll bet the tables in The Lesser Key to the Celestial Legion could be used here to find the proper ceremonial dress, et al.) It can actually offer detailed knowledge of a future event the PCs will be involved in. Maybe it's information is a trap? Maybe location of a treasure? Maybe big bad location? They can probably just ask in a future session and get some information. It'll be fun? 

What if the PCs die before the event in question? How would a ghost of their future selves have knowledge of an event they never made it to? Yeah, it's a Scarred Paradox. 

AC 2 [17] HD 4+2* (26 hp), Att 1 × invisible claws (1d6 + minor xp drain), THAC0 15 [+4], MV 90' (30’), SV D13 W14 P13 B16 S15 (MU), ML 11, AL Chaotic, XP 200, NA 1 (1), TT NA 

  • Undead: Make no noise until attacking. Immune to effects that affect living creatures (e.g. poison). Immune to mind-affecting or mind-reading.
  • Minor xp drain: 1d6 x 10 xp drained with each successful hit.

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Advent Ghost #19: The Searching Shade

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